Thursday, March 27, 2014

How to Implement/show Currency Symbol in SSRS Report.

 How to show Currency Symbol in SQL Server Reporting (SSRS):
1>Create a table called "Currency" with column [Currency Name],[Rate] and later join Currency table with your primary table in while creating data set in Report.
 2>Right Click Text box property--> Number-->Custom -->Custom format-->Paste below code in expression field.
3>Red color symbol display for  negative value .
4>Currency Symbol:
$ :US Dollar
AUD :Australian Dollar
€ : Euro
£ : Pound
¥ :Yen

Fields!Currency.Value="USD","'$' #,0;('$' #,0)"
,IIF(Fields!Currency.Value="AUD","'AUD' #,0;('AUD' #,0)"
,IIF(Fields!Currency.Value="EUR","'€' #,0;('' #,0)"
,IIF(Fields!Currency.Value="GBP","'£' #,0;('£' #,0)"
,IIF(Fields!Currency.Value="JPY","'¥' #,0;(''¥' #,0)"
,IIF(Fields!Currency.Value="CNY","'Y' #,0;('Y' #,0)"

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